Wednesday, April 15, 2009


喜欢看Samantha Brown主持的旅游节目,她的脸蛋是希拉里和梅格-瑞恩的综合体,一样微卷的俏皮短发。去年她的Passport to China介绍了北京,成都和西安三个城市,听说拍得相当吸引人。那个从十六世纪开始,欧洲就一直在迷醉中的中国,遥远的东方, 难怪美国人爱说:As kids, we were told that if we dug a hole too deep in the garden that we would fall into it and land in China. 英文和图片来自Samantha Brown的网站。

Our first stop was the nursery to see the infant pandas. There were three cubs sleeping in a large wooden crib. At first glance, they looked like stuffed animals until you noticed the rise and fall of their little bellies. They were so sweet. After we shot a quick bit with Sam, we made our way to the 1-year-old area, where Helen told us that we could hold one of the Giant Pandas! What? It's true! I was able to hold a giant 1-year-old panda for about two minutes!

First, they suit you up in a medical robe and give you plastic gloves for your hands. Then you sit down, and they plop a bear on your lap! He just sits there eating away at a bamboo shoot dipped in honey and you, well, you simply have one of the coolest moments of your life! The panda that was on my lap was really big and I thought he was going to be soft and cuddly. His fur was actually really coarse, but there were a couple of times that he looked back at me, and you could see that he just loved being snuggled. What a thrill!

The best thing I have ever gotten to do with my amazing job is to hold a Panda. They really do feel like warm stuffed animals, His fur was soft and smelled like baby shampoo, his ears were fluffy to the touch. It was impossible not to fall completely in love. This one is my screen saver. After the somewhat frightening incident in the Panda Pen I have no idea why all of a sudden I felt perfectly safe to stick my face right next to his. 想起了以前抱着我们家的胖阿咪,柔柔的暖暖的,使人只想落泪。

Getting your ears cleaned in public is done regularly in the teahouses. Men with these strange little arsenal of tools walk around the tables until someone needs some extra hygiene. The first time I saw it, I just thought ABSOLUTELY NO WAY! But whenever my attitude is like that I think well now you HAVE to do it. So I did it. I've never sat so still in my life. 我们只有在外面洗头时,有些店里会有人帮你挖耳朵,用棉花棒卷着.

We are taking the 12 hour overnight train from Beijing to Xian. I love being on a train, there's such excitement and Its certainly so much more fun and less stressful than flying. Once we all got settled into our cabins we headed to the bar car. 如果不赶时间的话,我也喜欢坐火车旅行,舒适自在。

It's the morning and we have arrived in Xian where outside the rail road station is utter Chaos. There are thousands of people getting off the commuter trains as well as thousands of people waiting for the other thousands of people. The second wave of culture shock has begun. All we can do is wait after shooting this crazy scene until the crowd thins out and we find the vans that will be taking us to our hotel. 非常喜欢这两张在车厢内和火车站外的照片,浓郁的生活气息, 随意又自然的日常记录, 一个个普通却真实的片刻。


jackie said...

haha,Samantha Brown 也是我非常欢喜的女主持呢,她的自然,轻松和机智给人如沐春风的感觉。
我觉得她还有点象Gwyneth Paltrow

纽约公爵 said...
